
Town History
Download this important volume in PDF
The History of Hancock, New Hampshire, 1764-1889 - Hayward, William Willis, b. 1834
(1,228 pages)
Pt I, History of Hancock.
Pt II, Genealogical Register.
Town Records
The Town of Hancock has worked to preserve the town archives which include vital records (births, deaths, and marriages), maps, mortgages, inventories, cemetery records, and annual reports.
You may contact the Selectmen's office
(603) 525-4441 for more information on these documents.
The Town of Hancock has worked to preserve the town archives which include vital records (births, deaths, and marriages), A copy of Inscriptions on Gravestones in the Old Cemetery, or Pine Ridge Cemetery, So Called, in Hancock, New Hampshire, 1911. Download
Inscriptions on Gravestones in the Old Cemetery at Hancock, N.H.
(150 pages)
New Hampshire State Library Genealogy and New Hampshire Historical Society